Remove the Emotional Obstacles to be Active
One of the biggest obstacles to exercise is a lack of time! The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150-300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week for weight management, which seems daunting, right? Just one more thing we have to fit in to our crazy schedule.
But I have good news! There are 1,440 minutes in a day! If we change our negative thinking (I don’t have enough time) into positive thinking (I have 1440 minutes/day) we are better equipped to conquer our setbacks and meet our goals. So if we focus on how many minutes there are in a day then sneaking in 15 minutes of brisk walking on your lunch break and 10 minutes of brisk walking before dinner doesn’t seem so bad! Then, spend 60 minutes jogging, swimming, playing sports, bike riding or dancing over the weekend and you will have met your goal for the week! You can do it!
Jennifer Clark, MS, RD, LD
Bariatric Dietitian
Bariatric Innovations of Atlanta

Remove the Emotional Obstacles to be Active