Tag Archives: weight loss behavior

One of the biggest obstacles to exercise is a lack of time! The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150-300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week for weight management, which seems daunting, right? Just one more thing we have to fit in to our crazy schedule. But I have good news! There are 1,440 minutes […]



Do you often worry or feel paralyzed by indecision? Life is full of challenges and setbacks. Everyone faces difficulties in life, and the question isn’t whether you will face setbacks, but how well you cope with them. Even if challenges feel overwhelming, you can become more resilient and capable of handling tough situations. [Read more]

There’s supposedly a silver lining to every cloud, but silver linings are sometimes hard to see while you’re in the middle of a crisis. When schools are closed and you’re out of work or forced to work from home, it can feel as though your world’s been turned upside down.
There are challenges when the children are around while you’re trying to get work done, when your favorite stores are closed, and you can’t get a haircut. The silver lining is that when a crisis presses the pause button on your life, you can try to use that pause productively. Here are five positive habits you might develop during a health crisis. [Read more]

Have you ever noticed your mind shows you potential but unlikely pitfalls regularly? Despite the meagerness of their prospect of blossoming, endless streams of would-be difficulties flow. Here’s how to use them for self-improvement rather than become anxious about them. First, though, it helps to know why you are presented with them. [Read more]

Most of want to get regular exercise — or at least we think we do. But when the moment comes to actually commence a workout, inertia and lack of motivation often win out. The solution may lie within you already. Leveraging your own mind against the problem is a good idea. Here are five practical, psychological tricks to employ to get you to exercise more. [Read more]

Hitting a weight loss plateau can be disheartening and frustrating, especially when it persists for several weeks. However, reaching a plateau is a natural part of the weight loss journey, and you can usually push through it by trying a few simple lifestyle changes. Here are eight tips for restarting your weight loss when you’ve hit a plateau. [Read more]