Tag Archives: nutrition



Reasons to eat out vary as greatly as your potential mood. You may dine out as a celebration on one day, and then the very next day choose to head out to a restaurant as a respite after a rough day at work. We dine out to honor the weekend, to have fun on holidays […]



1. Salad Dressing: when the nutritional information for salads is listed online more often than not the calories from the salad dressing is not factored in. Most garden salads are listed as <200 calories; however, a lot of available dressings are 200+ calories, which means we turn our <200 calorie salad into a 400+ calorie […]



Planning ahead, whether it’s meal prep, grocery shopping, or quick meal ideas, is one of the best ways to ensure success with health and wellness goals. However, sometimes life gets in the way and we find ourselves hungry, in a time crunch, with seemingly no healthy options. Fast food restaurants are one of the most […]

Cutting fat to lose weight is one of the most popular dietary trends out there, but recently published research brings to doubt the effectiveness of this diet plan not merely for weight loss, but for long-term health outcomes. Specifically, the study that looked at the dietary trends and health outcomes of more than 135,000 adults […]



Is it true that spicy foods will help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism? The internet is full of weight loss advice, only about an eighth of which is valuable. There are a lot of people who say that eating spicy foods is good for your weight loss efforts because of the way […]

We live in an era where “new and improved” beats out “traditional” or “standard” on every single front. Unfortunately, this way of thinking has largely penetrated our ways of thinking about diet and weight loss, too. Every couple of weeks there is talk about an all-new diet program that one celebrity or another is promoting, […]

Thanks to the way that the word “fat” is thrown around to talk about obesity, many people are surprised to learn that there are actually good fats in the world, and that to eat a healthy diet that benefits your heart you actually need to make sure that you are eating those good fats every […]

Planning ahead, whether it’s meal prep, grocery shopping, or quick meal ideas, is one of the best ways to ensure success with health and wellness goals. However, sometimes life gets in the way and we find ourselves hungry, in a time crunch, with seemingly no healthy options. Fast food restaurants are one of the most […]



Often times healthy eating is associated with boring or repetitive, but, there are lots of great ways to get creative with our meals without sacrificing nutrition and sabotaging health and wellness goals. For the month of May challenge yourself to find ways to mix up you eating routine; incorporate a new fruit or vegetable, try […]

After having your Lap Band put in place, you want to make sure that you are developing the type of long-term healthy eating habits that will prevent you from gaining weight back in the future. Smoothies are looked at as one of those healthy options that can help you in achieving this goal. Smoothies are […]