Staying in shape isn’t hard when you are young thank to one fundamental difference—exercise isn’t a chore, it is a type of play. [Read more]
Staying in shape isn’t hard when you are young thank to one fundamental difference—exercise isn’t a chore, it is a type of play. [Read more]
Everybody has their own purpose behind needing to get in shape. For some it is comfort, for other people, it is the craving to look a specific way. Whatever your essential reason is for needing to shed the weight of obesity from your life, actually getting in shape is useful for your wellbeing. [Read more]
Beginning with another weight loss program always comes with a bit of stress. Is this the program that will take you to where you need to be? Is this how it occurs? Is this the start of your new sound method for being? [Read more]
There are a lot of different types of weight loss programs out there, and so if you spend long enough looking for one that tells you what you want to hear, chances are you are going to find it. [Read more]
The whole foods diet is seeing a bit of a popularity boost right now, but that doesn’t mean that the idea of eliminating processed foods in favor of whole foods is anything new or novel. A diet rich in highly processed foods is unique to the modern generation. [Read more]
Losing weight requires a lot of time and energy. There are dietary guidelines that you need to keep up with, gym memberships that you have to use regularly, and plenty of social engagements and stress-related indulgences that you need to learn how to work around if you hope to keep up with your weight loss goals. While this can weigh heavily on your daily schedule, it can also begin to weigh heavily on your wallet. [Read more]
Are antioxidants really the key to helping you manage your personal health and weight loss goals? This is certainly the type of rhetoric that is typically attached to these feel-good foods, but it is time to find out the truth about antioxidants once and for all. [Read more]
Staying properly hydrated is important for your overall health, and matters when you are trying to lose weight. Being dehydrated can actually slow down your weight loss progress, making it more difficult to reach your weight loss goals, even if you are putting in the dieting and exercise effort that you need. You may think that this is something that doesn’t affect you because you aren’t thirsty, but you could be totally wrong! The problem is that dehydration is actually way more common than you may originally think, and could be impacting your weight loss goals right now. [Read more]
When you begin to think about the healthy habits that you need to engage in to lose weight, cutting out your sweets and carbs and increasing how much you move every day are usually at the top of the list. However, these healthy habits are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to […]
When was the last time that you walked into your closet and longingly thought about that old pair of jeans or that beautiful shirt that you would love to wear–after you reach your weight loss goals? There are so many times that we get lost in thought about the things that we will do, the […]