The Day of your Weight Loss Surgery

The Day of your Weight Loss SurgeryThe day of your weight loss surgery is an exciting period, and there are numerous things you will be responsible for.

Your weight loss surgeon will provide you with specific guidelines as to:

  • Where you should be
  • What you should be eating and drinking
  • What supplies you need

These guidelines should be followed as closely as possible to avoid any delay or complications during the hospital registration process.

This segment of our weight loss surgery guide will outline the typical schedule someone might encounter on the day of their weight loss operation. Use your surgeon’s guidelines as a primary resource and only rely on these guidelines as a supplement to those provided to you personally.

The Day of Bariatric Surgery: At Home

Preparation for weight loss surgery starts at home. On the day of your operation:

  • Refrain from having any food or drink
  • Take medications as your surgeon has instructed
  • Be careful to not to swallow any water, even while brushing your teeth
  • Do not wear any make-up or use any hair product
  • Do not apply any moisturizer or lotion to your skin
  • If your surgeon provides you with antiseptic soap, use it at this time

Take it easy before leaving for the hospital. Undergoing any sort of operation is taxing on the body. You should not start your day with any sort of exercise or intense activity. This will only cause your body to require further hydration and may delay your readiness for surgery.

Arriving at the Hospital

Arrive at the hospital early so you have time to check in and consult with the medical staff prior to your scheduled arrival time.

You should be in touch with the hospital or surgery center and your weight loss surgeon the day of and before your scheduled operation to ensure that any insurance paperwork has cleared and that you are ready to be admitted.

Have the following items with you when you arrive at the hospital:

  • Driver’s license or other identification
  • Proof of insurance
  • Any medications you are taking
  • C-PAP machine if applicable
  • Loose fitting clothing to wear home

The length of time you will remain in the hospital depends on several factors, including your health, medical history and type of weight loss surgery being completed.

You will not be able to drive yourself home from the hospital. Have a friend or family member with you so they can receive instructions from the medical staff and help you return home.

Suggested Reading

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