
The Issue with Sleep

When you skimp out on sleep, you are forcing your brain to work on overdrive, and this isn’t a good way for your brain to function—especially when you want to focus on making healthy choices. A tired brain is a susceptible brain. When you don’t get enough sleep, you are far more likely to indulge in snacks that you would likely resist were you not so tired. This is why it is so important to improve your sleeping habits after you have weight loss surgery.

Just think about it: haven’t you ever had a snack just because you were so tired, that you felt the sugar would give you an energy boost? Or decided to have an extra soda or a coffee with extra sugar to help give you the energy you need to get through the afternoon?

Improving your sleeping habits could significantly help with your weight loss efforts by helping you to avoid needless snacking throughout the day, and also by helping ensure that you have the energy you need to engage in your exercise routine.  The problem is, simply making the choice to sleep more doesn’t ensure that your sleeping habits will change overnight. Sleeping better at night takes concerted effort, but making simple changes to your evening routine can have a significant impact on your ability to get those Zzzz’s.

Here are a few strategies that can help you improve your sleeping habits:

  • Turn off your phone and television. Decreasing screen time at night can help your brain to calm down before you go to bed. Try shutting electronics off about an hour before you want to go to sleep to help you fall asleep faster.
  • Create a regular routine. Our bodies are dependent on habits, and so when you start to create a routine your body will appreciate it and fall into rhythm. Set a time that you want to go to bed and be as consistent as possible, even on weekends.
  • Wake up at a regular time. Creating a routine isn’t just for the evening. Setting yourself up for a good nights rest starts first thing in the morning. Wake up on time to be able to go to sleep on time.
  • Cut down on caffeine consumption. Cutting down on your caffeine intake can greatly help your ability to fall asleep. A simple rule is to give yourself at least 6 hours between your last portion of caffeine and your bedtime. This probably means cutting caffeinated drinks out at dinner.

Now is a great time to start making positive changes in your lifestyle. Remember, making the decision to undergo weight loss surgery is about more than weight loss—it’s about a whole lifestyle change to improve your health and wellness. Getting better sleep every night is a great way to get started with those changes.

The Issue with Sleep